Division of Continuing and Global Education
Uni-track Program
Uni-track is a dual-enrollment program that allows high school students to earn Fresno State credit.
2025-26 New Teacher Application Deadline
Students and Parents
Uni-track enrollment is offered by high school teachers for eligible classes. If you're a student in one of those classes, you may enroll in Uni-track and have your high school grade double as a grade in a Fresno State course!
Your teacher will submit your final course grade to Fresno State, and it will be added to your Fresno State transcript. If you apply to Fresno State, you'll have a head start on your college coursework. If you decide to attend another college or university, you may take their Fresno State transcript with you and request to apply your Uni-track credits toward your degree.
High school courses equate to 1-2 Uni-track courses, depending on the subject matter and course length.
Student Expectations
Uni-track students are:
- Required to have junior or senior standing. Please contact the Uni-track Program if you have any questions or concerns about this restriction.
- Responsible for enrolling in Uni-track and updating their enrollments with Fresno State as needed. Students are not dropped from Uni-track automatically if they drop their high school course.
- Held to the same standards, policies, regulations, and deadlines that govern all students enrolled at Fresno State.
- Limited to 8-units of credit in a given Fresno State semester. Nine-month Uni-track classes count as spring-semester classes at Fresno State.
Students may view their unofficial transcripts at any time by logging into MyFresnoState. Students who attend Fresno State do not need to do anything to transfer Uni-track credits to their Fresno State degree. Students who attend community colleges or other institutions may request official transcripts from Credentials Solutions. Visit the Fresno State Transcript Website for more information.
NOTE: Once a final grade has been posted to your official Fresno State record, it becomes part of your permanent academic record and GPA at the University. Grade forgiveness is not available to those students who earn a D, F, WU (failure - withdrawal unauthorized) or No Credit (NC).
Teachers and School Staff
As a member of the Uni-track program, we ask that you:
- Update and sign course proposals and volunteer forms before the start of each academic year. These forms re-authorize the Uni-track Program to offer University credit for your high school class and will be sent to you by the Uni-track Coordinator prior to the start of each academic year.
- Provide registration information to eligible students each year. The Uni-track Coordinator
will provide you with a registration packet to distribute.
Monitor your class enrollment in MyFresnoState and notify the Uni-track Coordinator of any discrepancies or possible issues. - Provide grades upon request from the Uni-track Program. The Continuing and Global Education Registrar, Monica Acosta, will make this request at the end of each term.
- Promptly notify the Uni-track Coordinator of any changes to the curriculum of your class.
- Respond to questions about or provide examples of curricular materials upon request from the Uni-track Program or the academic department or dean that oversees the articulated Fresno State course.
Join the Uni-track Program
The Uni-track program accepts applications for the next academic year through early January. A complete application must be submitted online with all the items below. We strongly encourage prospective teachers to meet with the Uni-track coordinator to review documents and proposed courses before applying.
Prospective Uni-track Teacher application requirements:
- Master's Degree - see department-specific requirements
- Current resume
- Completed Fresno State syllabus
- Must include:
- Tentative schedule
- Books and reading material
- Assignment descriptions
- Grading scale
- All learning objectives
- Sample assignment with grading rubric
- Sample assignments should showcase the scope of the class. Small assignments like quizzes or short essays are not recommended
- Examples:
- Paper
- Project
- Presentation
- Letter of recommendation from principal
- Unofficial transcript indicating highest degree earned
- Identify what class you are applying for (please email the Uni-track coordinator if you need assistance identifying a class)
- List any additional professional experience relevant to this application (optional)
Application Restrictions
New teacher applications are not currently being accepted in the following subject areas:
- Online courses (any subject)
- Course number of 100 or higher (e.g. MATH 100)
- Animal Science (ASCI)
- Agricultural Education (AGED)
- Chemistry (CHEM)
- Economics (ECON)
- Psychology (PSYCH)
Uni-track Teacher Application
What are the education and experience requirements to apply for Uni-track for the 2024-25 academic year?
The requirements align with the hiring requirements for part-time faculty at Fresno State. Usually, a master’s degree in the field being taught, or a close equivalent, is required. View a list of department-specific requirements.
When can I apply to offer Uni-track credit?
New Uni-track applications for the next academic year are accepted during an application window that ends in early January.
May I submit a late application to offer Uni-track credit?
In most circumstances, late applications are not accepted after the deadline in early January.
When submitting a Uni-track teacher application, how do I know which Fresno State course to request for credit?
We strongly advise discussing your class with the Uni-track Coordinator before applying. Consider reviewing Fresno State’s External Exam Credit list as a starting point. You may also review the Fresno State Catalog for appropriate courses, but only lower-division classes (course number 1-99) will be considered for Uni-track credit.
How does Fresno State evaluate Uni-track applications?
Applications undergo a two-stage review process. The Uni-track Coordinator in the Division of Continuing and Global Education initially evaluates the applicant’s education, experience, and application materials. The application is then forwarded to the appropriate academic department for faculty review. This process can take several weeks or months.
When will I find out if my Uni-track teacher application has been approved?
Uni-track approval decisions for the next academic year are released at the end of Fresno State’s spring semester.
I would like to promote Uni-track credit to students when they select classes for the next academic year. Can I find out the status of my Uni-track application sooner?
Unfortunately, we cannot speed up the application review process to permit earlier release of application decisions. We also caution against promoting Uni-track credit as a “perk” to incentivize enrollment.
I already offer Uni-track credit for a class. May I offer credit for a different class?
You do not need to apply twice if you offer two sections of the same class (e.g., morning and afternoon classes with identical syllabi and learning outcomes). If you wish to offer credit for a different course, you must submit a complete application packet during the next Uni-track teacher application cycle.
How does our school secure approval for a replacement Uni-track teacher?
If a previously approved Uni-track teacher retires, resigns, or is reassigned, the replacement teacher may apply during the next application cycle. We encourage schools to prepare in advance as much as possible for expected retirements or transfers and have the replacement teacher apply as early as possible. Unfortunately, we cannot accommodate late applications, even when a teacher’s departure is unexpected.
Will I need to renew my status as a Uni-track teacher after the initial application?
Before the beginning of each academic year, you will be asked to sign a Course Proposal Form and Volunteer Form. These forms authorize the Uni-track program to continue offering credit to your students and will be reviewed by the appropriate faculty and deans at Fresno State.
When will I find out if there has been any change in my approval status?
We notify teachers as early as possible if their approval to offer Uni-track credit has been withdrawn for any reason. Still, changes in approval status may be made as late as the beginning of the academic year.
How does Fresno State evaluate Uni-track teachers?
Effective in the 2024-25 academic year, student evaluations will be a routine component of the Uni-track program. Students enrolled through Uni-track will be asked to complete online evaluations. Fresno State faculty will also conduct peer evaluations, and will conduct periodic class visits to view teaching practices and provide feedback.
How does Uni-track credit appear on a student’s high school transcript?
Uni-track credit transcription is a college transcription exercise that supplements a student’s high school transcript. It should not replace credit for the high school class on a transcript.
What is the student cost for Uni-track credit?
Effective in the 2024-25 academic year, the Uni-track fee will be $25 per unit to account for increased operational costs involved with application and evaluation. The fee is anticipated to increase to $50 per unit in 2025-26 and $75 per unit in 2026-27.
When should students be informed of the option to enroll for Uni-track credit?
We recommend promoting the option to students after the academic year begins and registration packets have been sent to teachers by the coordinator at Fresno State. We do not recommend promoting Uni-track credit as an incentive during student registration in the prior academic year.
- Generic Registration Instructions (students, you will need specific information from your teachers to enroll)
Contact the Uni-track Program
Andy Hernandez
Program Coordinator