Forms and Documents
Student Forms
Form Name | Form Description |
Administrative Change Form | Department/Instructor Initiated: 1) Administrative Withdrawal for Open University and Concurrent Classes, 2) Admin.
Withdrawal for Summer Session, Intersession and all other classes lasting five days
or longer, 3) Enrollment Correction for Open University and Concurrent Classes, and
4) Enrollment Correction for Summer Session, Intersession and all other classes lasting
five days or longer. Student Initiated: 1) Time Conflict - Students cannot enroll in two courses which have a conflict in scheduling without the approval of the instructors in both courses, and 2) Audit - A student can elect to audit a class by obtaining the instructor signature on this form and submitting it to the Division of Continuing and Global Education. |
International Students Open University Form | For International Students to enroll through Open University: A completed Open University Approval form with International Office approval signatures(s) must be submitted to Continuing and Global Education, Kremen Education Building, Room 130 before you can enroll during the Open University registration period. |
Open University Excess Units Petition | Request for excess units (10 or more) for Open University. Please email form to CGE Registrar Monica Acosta at |
Schedule Change/Refund Form | Drop Individual Course and/or Request a Refund. Please email form to CGE Registrar Monica Acosta at |
Volunteer Form | For use when a faculty or MPP requests to teach a course as a volunteer (i.e. without pay). |
Registration Form | Register for Course(s) being offered in the Division of Continuing and Global Education. Please email form to CGE Registrar Monica Acosta at |
Third Attempt Approval Form |
Students attempting to register to take a course a third time need to complete this form. Major advisor and the department chair of the class you are requesting to repeat must review and approve. Please email the completed form to CGE Registrar, Monica Acosta at |
Course Proposal Forms
Form Name | Form Description |
Extension Course Proposal Form |
Extension courses can be offered for academic credit and/or for non-credit. Typically, a single stand-alone course and is not normally part of a certificate program. Many local school districts offer optional extension credit to their participants for attending workshops/seminars within their districts for approved units of academic credit. Extension courses offering academic credit must have the approval of the department chair and dean. Extension Credit salaries are calculated using Salary Schedule 2323. |
Winter Intersession & Spring Intersession Course Proposal Form |
Intersession courses are offered during the three-week period (Winter & Spring) between semesters. Faculty members who wish to teach an Intersession course are requested to contact their department chair to discuss department needs. Courses must have the approval of the department chair and dean. Ideal for supervision, performance, low enrollment, internships, and weighted teaching unit courses. Salaries are calculated using Salary Schedule 2322. |
Special Session Course Proposal Form |
Special Session programs are comprised of several courses or an entire degree or certificate program. Single, stand-alone courses, are not typically part of Special Session. Salaries are determined using Salary Schedule 2322. Contact David Hoff, Special Session Coordinator at with any questions about this form. |
Travel Study Forms and Documents
Form Name | Form Description |
Faculty-Led Short-Term International Travel Study Program Proposal Form As part of the application submission, faculty leaders will need to complete the Faculty-Led Short-Term International Travel Study Program Proposal Form which will be sent to you by the Study Abroad Coordinator.)Please contact Rishad Gandhi at |
Faculty-led short term international travel study programs are programs operated through the Division of Continuing and Global Education that are led by a Fresno State faculty member in another country. Faculty members who wish to lead such a program are requested to contact their department chair to discuss department needs. Programs must have the approval of the department chair and dean and must be offered during summer, winter, or spring break. Salaries are calculated using Salary Schedule 2322. As part of the application submission, faculty leaders will need to complete the Faculty-Led Short-Term International Travel Study Program Proposal Form which will be sent to you by the Study Abroad Coordinator. Please contact Rishad Gandhi at |
International Programs Interest and Funding Request Form | Faculty leaders of the faculty-led short-term travel study programs will apply for
IRA funding as a group. Student participants on faculty-led trips should not apply on an individual basis. Refer to your Faculty Handbook for Faculty-led Short-term International Travel Study Programs for additional information. |
Administrative Forms
Form Name | Form Description |
Campus Partners 441/442/443 PaCE/CERF Allowable Expenditure Matrix | Guidelines for schools and colleges in using Campus Partners 441/442/443 PaCE/CERF funds for operating expenditures. If schools or colleges have any questions on the use of PaCE/CERF 441/442/443 funds, please email Frank Puccio at |
Campus Partners PaCE/CERF Allowable Expenditure Form | To justify use of Campus Partners 441/442/443 PaCE/CERF funds, schools and colleges are obligated to fill out this form matching proposed expenditures to allowable expenditures from the Matrix. Form should be attached as backup to any/all pay documents including but not limited to: Direct Pay Forms, ProCard Statements, TOEs, TOPs, Purchase Requests, Invoice Receipts tied to a Purchase Request, etc. |