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Division of Continuing and Global Education

Intro to Medical

Introduction to Medical Interpreting

Course Description

This 40-hour class will provide bilingual participants with an Introduction to Medical Interpreting techniques, theory, concepts, medical terminology, professional development, healthcare interpreter standards and cultural awareness, and the modes of interpreting; focusing on consecutive interpreting. The class will teach the skills required to handle and control the flow of the sessions, provide an in-depth discussion of ethical principles, and discuss strategies that will assist the participants on how to handle the challenges presented on a day-to-day basis.

Course Material Requirements:

  • Recorders (any recordable device)
  • Bilingual dictionary (student’s choice - will be used for both courses)
  • Introduction to Healthcare for Spanish-speaking Interpreters and Translators by Ineke H.M. Crezee, Holly Mikkelson and Laura Monzon-Storey (will be used for both courses)
    Note: this book is available in 3 different formats, choose the one that is best for you. The ISBN numbers for each of the different formats are provided as follows:

ISBN: 978-90-272-1221-4 (hardcover) $149

ISBN: 978-90-272-1222-1 (paperback) $39

ISBN: 978-90-272-6868-65 (Ebook) $39

  • English-Spanish Medical Dictionary: Diccionario Médico Español-Inglés  Inglés-Español / Edition 4 Onyria Herrera McElroy ISBN: 1608311295 (will be used for both courses)
  • The Interpreter’s Rx [book and audio resources on flashdrive or CD's] ( (will be used for both courses)
  • The instructor will also provide other materials.


TBD - Fall 2025 (asynchronous)


Online (100% Digital Campus)



Class Number


Last Day to Register


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About the Instructor

Soraya Alamdari, Ph.D., CHI™, CMI-Spanish is a nationally certified healthcare interpreter and a graduate of the University of California, Los Angeles. Dr. Alamdari has been teaching in the interpreting and translation field since 2008.