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Division of Continuing and Global Education

Dynamic Environmental Education: Adapting Teaching Strategies for Diverse Learners

Students need to be able to engage in curricula that incorporate real-world applications and reflect their relationship with the environment.  Sometimes curriculum can make it challenging for teachers to connect the material to students' lives and show them the relevance of what they are learning. This course helps educators adapt their instruction based on students' needs, interests, and learning styles.

During the course:

  • Participate in a variety of engagement methods used to facilitate environmental education explorations 
  • Refine and enhance existing lessons and curriculum using the principles of UDL
  • Learn about, engage in, and get certified in facilitating the Aquatic WILD curriculum
  • Develop learning experiences using a step-by-step UDL design process
  • Collaborate with practitioners and create actionable next steps for application/facilitation of environmental education learning experiences grounded in UDL principles

There is an array of content to choose from when looking for an engaging environmental education curriculum to weave into your lessons, and they are often aligned with specific grade levels - but don’t let that stop you! Come learn how to find age appropriate opportunities in any curriculum, increase your curricular toolkit, and facilitate relevant learning experiences. Enjoy a professional development experience that embraces field-based methods that inspire curiosity and experiential learning.

Through Four Rivers Natural History Association sponsorship, participants will receive Aquatic Up WILD guides at no additional cost. The guides have been funded through the California Department of Fish and Wildlife Sport Fish Restoration Grant.

Upon completion of the course you will be able to:

  • Critically analyze lesson and curriculum design for evidence of UDL principles.
  • Identify and apply various instructional practices/processes that elevate student inquiry, stewardship, and ecoliteracy.
  • Use a step-by-process by applying UDL design principles to create innovative environmental education learning experiences.
  • Adapt curricula that supports engaging, age-appropriate environmental education experiences.
  • Effectively facilitate Aquatic WILD curriculum and receive certification.


Monday, December 4 - Friday, December 8 (asynchronous); Saturday, December 9, 2023 (in-person)


2.5 hours of asynchronous work (Monday-Friday); 8:00A-4:30P (Saturday)



Class Number


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