Division of Continuing and Global Education
Fresno's Chinatown: The Heart of Our Cultural Diversity
Fresno’s historic Chinatown was a microcosm of our incredibly diverse community today. Did you know that at least eleven ethnic groups had entire communities that thrived in Chinatown in its early days?
Join us as we acknowledge our rich and diverse local heritage, and share and honor our own stories, history, and memories. This course will last for five weeks and each class will focus on a specific ethnic community (such as Chinese American, African American, and Germans from Volga, Russia) that called Chinatown home. The final session on Saturday, September 1, will feature an underground tour of Chinatown tunnels and a hosted lunch in the area. Each class will have a guest speaker(s) from the respective community to share their stories, memories, and personal artifacts.
Dates and Times: Postponed to a later date.
Location: Downtown Center and Chinatown
Fee: $90.
Instructor: Kathy Omachi has been involved in the field of community organizing/social work for more than fifty years, from harvesting crops to program development, administration, and policy implementation. She received her master's degree in social work from UC Berkeley. She formed Fresno Chinatown Revitalization in 1995.