Division of Continuing and Global Education
Perspectives on Fresno's Spiritual and Secular Architectural History
Satisfy your curiosity about the founding and history of early Fresno's diverse churches
and theaters. Have you ever wondered about the determination of a people to create
a monument such as St. John's Cathedral in the late 1880s? This course will introduce
you to the history and origins of a selection of downtown Fresno's iconic churches
and theaters: Warnor's, Tower, and Crest theaters, and churches such as St. Genevieve's
Catholic Church or the Buddhist Temple. Each structure is unique and historically
significant. Join us as we recap early Fresno's spiritual and secular architectural
history and share your reminiscences. The class will consist of a one-hour lecture
followed by 30 minutes of Q&A and personal reflections, including visual aids (Powerpoint,
original paintings and prints).
Dates: Tuesdays, April 3, 10, 17 & 24, 2018
Time: 6:00 pm - 7:30 pm
Location: Fresno State Downtown Center, Room 1, Bitwise South Stadium, 700 Van Ness at Mono
Fee: $100. Class No. 37485. Pay online at the red Register button below, or download registration form (PDF) here.
Registration recommended by March 29, 2018.
Instructor: Janice Stevens and Pat Hunter are the author and illustrator, respectively, of ten California history books and write the popular Pastimes column in Central Valley Magazine. They are co-owners of Gallery II-Pat Hunter Studio Fresno (www.gallery2fresno.com).