Division of Continuing and Global Education
Community Engagment Opportunities
Fiji & Tanzania
May 26, 2016 - June 10, 2016 and/or June 12, 2016 - June 25, 2016
COMS 101 – 1-3 units
The Program:
Fresno State is partnering with Madventurer, an international service organization, to work on rural community development projects in Fiji and Tanzania. Students will work with local community members on construction, public health and youth service projects. These are multicultural, international, service-learning trips, with participants immersing themselves in local culture, food, village accommodations, and daily life in the host country. There will be opportunities for excursions, cultural immersion and adventure experiences.
Learning Outcomes:
- Develop an understanding and a value of the importance of service and differing cultures
- Acquire insight into the life of villagers in Tanzania and Fiji through cultural immersion experiences and activities
- Learn about the best practices of global service and travel
Click here for the Application for Fiji or Tanzania.
To download a detailed flyer, click here.
Application Deadline:
Summer 2016:
- Friday, November 20, 2015 (Fresno State students)
- Monday, November 30, 2015 (non-Fresno State students)
3:00 PM to Thomas, Room 107
Estimated Budget:
Fresno State Tuition:
Approximate Airfare:
Program Fee:
Estimated Personal Expenses:
Including CSU mandatory insurance
Total Estimated Costs:
$3,800 - excluding FS Tuition
Financial aid and scholarships available