International Office
Nishtha Garg
Country/Languages - India/Hindi, English
Major - Business
Why did you choose Fresno State?
Fresno State offers a vast majority of programs in which one can pursue their career.
They have a lot of job opportunities after graduation. Also, it is really affordable
for international students.
What’s the best thing about Fresno State?
Everyone is pretty nice and friendly here.
What are your favorite campus activities?
Homecoming, International Culture Night, and Vintage Days
What are your favorite local activities?
I like going to River Park or Fashion Fair for shopping.
What’s your favorite thing to do in Fresno, California?
I like going for a coffee, watching movies, and exploring new places.
What are your plans after you graduate?
I would like to have a job that pays well.
Advice for new students?
Be ready to take on new challenges and never give up. Fresno State is here for you.