International Office
Liliane Boch
Languages: German, English, French
Major: Political Science, Broadcast Journalism
Why did you choose Fresno State?
I chose Fresno State because I had the chance to combine both majors at an affordable
rate where I had the feeling I was well supported, academically and socially.
What’s the best thing about Fresno State?
One thing that strikes out at Fresno State is the diversity of students in many different
aspects and how inclusive the University itself is.
What are your favorite campus activities?
My favorite thing about Campus life is the sports that you can visit, from Football,
to Baseball and Waterpolo.
What are your favorite local activities?
My Favorite thing to do in this area is going skiing at China Peak.
What’s your favorite thing to do in Fresno, California?
My favorite thing to do in Fresno is meeting up with people from around town to play
soccer. It is so much fun and you get to know more people from the community.
What are your plans after you graduate?
After I get my bachelor’s degree I am hoping to study a grad program that is directed
towards humanitarian aid.
Advice for new students?
Don’t be shy to walk up to people. Most of us are all newbies that are a little intimidated
by the new surroundings. Let that be your chance to meet new people that, just like
you had an initial reason to go abroad to Fresno. Share your story and listen to others.
You might be making friendships for life.