International Office
Johnny Kyaw
Country/Languages - Myanmar / Burmese
Hometown: Yangon
Major: Business Management - Management
Why did you choose Fresno State?
I chose Fresno State because it offers one of the best business schools, cheaper tuition,
cheap housing, and the weather is very similar to my country.
What’s the best thing about Fresno State?
The best thing about Fresno State is diversity. We have so many students from around
the world and I got to make so many great friends with the students from all over
the world.
What are your favorite campus activities?
My favorite campus activities are hanging out with friends in the library and going
to events on campus.
What are your favorite local activities?
I love going to Chaffee Zoo and Woodward park.
What is your favorite thing to do in Fresno, California?
My favorite thing to do in Fresno, California is Millerton Lake with my friends, having
a barbecue, and stargazing.
What are your plans after you graduate?
I plan to do OPT internship and hope to work in the future.
Advice for new students?
I would say join students clubs and organizations on campus, go to events and travel
around since Fresno is in the central valley and it is easier to travel to nearby
big cities.