International Office
What International Students are Saying
Fresno State is committed to improving the international student experience! In Fall 2013, Fresno State partnered with iGraduate to become the first California State University to administer the International Student Barometer (ISB). Thirty-eight percent of all Fresno State international students joined 20,344 of their peers in the United States and 143,449 worldwide by participating in the survey.
Fresno State was ranked 1st in the United States and 17th in the ISB Fall Wave 2013 for Response to Offer (the time it took to be admitted.)
Fresno State was ranked 2nd in the United States and 6th in the ISB Fall Wave 2013 for University Orientation.
Fresno State was ranked 2nd in the United States and 12th in the International Student Barometer Fall Wave 2013 for Language Support (the help students receive improving their English.)
Fresno State Ranked 6th in the United States in the International Student Barometer Fall Wave 2013 for Class Size.
Fresno State Ranked 6th in the United States in the International Student Barometer Fall Wave 2013 for Social Activities.
Fresno State ranked 6th in the United States in the International Student Barometer Fall Wave 2013 for Meeting Faculty Members.